Medieval IndiaHistoryMugal Period

Explain the Rajput policy of Akbar

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Rajput policy of Akbar was based on the policy of suppression and agreement. The interest of both sides was dependent on the policy adopted by him.

The object of Akbar’s Rajput policy was to get the sympathy of the Rajputs for the permanence of the empire. Akbar gave the Rajput kings the authority to rule over their ancestral manor (auspicious manor) in addition to the manor granted by the king, whereas it did not happen with the rich besides the Rajputs. Akbar had given only Rajput Raja Surjan Rai Hanga (Ranthambore) to play Tavvara (instrument).

Akbar, as a result of his Rajput policy,in finish thirth yatra tex-1563 and finish jizya tax– 1564.

Marwang’s ruler Maldev married his daughter Kanaka Bai with Sultan Mahmudshah of Gujarat and the second daughter Lalbai with Surasaksh Islam Shah Sur.

Akbar took away the right to run his own coins from all the Rajput kings and made royal coins in his territories.

The Rajput policy of Akbar was the result of his deepest understanding. Akbar valued his friends more than the enemies of Rajputs. Akbar made a friendship with the Rajput kings and took advantage of the superior and self-respecting Rajput heroes, so that the Mughal Empire could survive for a long time.

Rajputs found themselves more secure by establishing friendship and marital relations with the Mughals. In this way, Rajputs made important contributions in realizing the imagination of Akbar’s permanent, powerful and elaborate empire. Akbar had given some Rajput kings like –Bhagwan Das, Raja Mansingh, Birbal and Todramal to the highest mansab.

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