Medieval IndiaHistoryMugal Period

What were the major events of Akbar’s period?

There were many major events during Akbar, who are asked in many examinations, we are talking about the same events here-

Other important facts-

  1. Religious policy of Mughal Emperor Akbar
  2. Akbar’s military campaign at a glance
  3. Explain the Rajput policy of Akbar
  4. Where was the expanse of Akbar’s empire
  5. Introduction of life of Mughal emperor Akbar
  • 1660-62AD- The existence of Pratdasasan (Pettikot Government) (Akbar’s mother-in-law Maham Anga, his son Adham Khan and daughter Jiji Anga)
  • 1562 AD – The end of the slave tradition.
  • 1563 AD- The pilgrimage ends (on Prayag and Banaras pilgrim centers)
  • 1564 AD – Jaziya tax ended.
  • 1571 AD – Establishment of Fatehpur Sikri (draft Bahawuddin had prepared)
  •  1575 AD –  In the Fatehpur Sikri, built the ibaadat khaane.
  • 1578 AD. ibaadat khaane prayers were opened to all religions, 0R, this religion became a parliament.
  • 1579 AD – Smith’s declaration of so-called empathy is called an infidelity decree.
  • 1582 AD-Tauheed-Ilahi Declaration
  • 1583 AD -Cattle breeding prohibition on certain days
  • 1584 AD-Abdurrahim was given the title of the Khanquan to suppress the rebellion in Gujarat.
  • 1575-76 AD- The entire empire was divided into 12 provinces. (After the South victory, the number was 12 to 15).
  • 1582 AD – Applied system by Toddmal.
  • 1573-74AD-After the conquest of Gujarat, Manashbari Pratha started (inspired by Abba Sayid )

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