HistoryAncient IndiaPost-Gupta periodSource

History of the Post-Gupta period (Uttaragupta)

The later period of the Guptas are known by the names Guptottara, later Guptas, Uttaragupta, etc. Records are the main resources of knowing the history of the Uttaragupta dynasty.

The description of these records are Following –

Records of Afsdh

It is of the time of Adityasena, the 8th ruler of the North Gupta dynasty And from a place called Afsdh located in Gaya district of Bihar province. And in this history of the first ruler of this dynasty from Krishnagupta to Adityasen is described. This inscription throws light on the relations between the Uttar Guptas and the Maukhari rulers.

Article of Devbarnaak

This article is derived from a place called Devbarnaak in Shahabad district of Bihar. It was discovered by kaningham in 1880 AD. It was engraved by the ruler of this dynasty, the Jeevitgupta II. The names of three later rulers of Adityasen, Devagupta, Vishnugupta and Jeevitgupta II, are mentioned.

Origin of Uttaragupta Dynasty

After the decline of the Gupta dynasty, a new Guptas emerged in Magadha and Malwa, Who ruled for two centuries. There is not enough information about the relationship of this new dynasty with the Chakravarti Guptas.

Reason to the rise of Magadha Mahajanapada.

In order to separate Chakravarti from the Gupta dynasty, this dynasty is called the later or Uttaragupta dynasty. This dynasty was founded by a person named Krishnagupta, hence this period is also known as Krishnagupta dynasty.

The greatest ruler of the Paravartee gupt dynasty was Adityasena.

Reference : https://www.indiaolddays.com

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